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Smeg's Sabbath function has been designed to meet the stringent requirements of the Shabbat Law within the Jewish community. As a result, certain Smeg ovens and warming drawers have received the esteemed mehadrin (Super Kosher) certification from the Rabbis at FedTech (The Federation of Synagogues).

These certified appliances have been carefully engineered to enable their use without violating the traditional restrictions associated with Sabbath observance. Smeg offers a range of single ovens, 45cm compact ovens, and warming drawers with a dedicated Sabbath mode, providing a complete suite of built-in appliances that are Sabbath-compliant. 

Read our dedicated Sabbath articles to find out more

Sabbath-compliant single ovens

Sabbath-compliant ovens ensure that restrictions are respected by offering specialised features that align with religious guidelines.

Read the article to find out more
Sabbath-compliant warming drawers

Sabbath-compliant warming drawers plays an important role in facilitating the preparation and serving of warm food throughout the day.

Read the article to find out more

Discover all of the Smeg Sabbath compliant ovens and warming drawers available


Oven, Dolce Stil Novo, Galileo cavity: Traditional pyro, 60cm, Thermo-ventilated, Black, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Dolce Stil Novo, Galileo cavity: SteamOne, 60cm, Combi Steam, Black, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Dolce Stil Novo, Galileo cavity: Omnichef, 60cm, Multitech, Black, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Dolce Stil Novo, Galileo cavity: SteamOne, 60cm, Combi Steam, Black, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Dolce Stil Novo, Reduced height 90cm, Thermo-ventilated, Black, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Dolce Stil Novo, Galileo cavity: Speedwave, 45cm compact, Combi Microwave, Black, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Dolce Stil Novo, Galileo cavity: Steam100 Pro, 45cm compact, Combi Steam, Black, A++, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Dolce Stil Novo, Galileo cavity: Omnichef, 45cm compact, Multitech, Black, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Dolce Stil Novo, 45cm compact, Combi Microwave, Black, Vapor Clean
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Drawer, Dolce Stil Novo, Warming/reheat, 14 cm, Black
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Oven, Linea, Galileo cavity: Traditional pyro, 60cm, Thermo-ventilated, Neptune Grey, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Linea, Galileo cavity: SpeedwaveXL, 60cm, Combi Microwave, Neptune Grey, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Linea, Galileo cavity: Traditional pyro, 60cm, Thermo-ventilated, Black, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Linea, Galileo cavity: SpeedwaveXL, 60cm, Combi Microwave, Black, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Linea, Galileo cavity: Traditional pyro, 60cm, Thermo-ventilated, Neptune Grey, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Linea, Galileo cavity: Omnichef, 60cm, Multitech, Neptune Grey, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Linea, Galileo cavity: Steam100, 45cm compact, Combi Steam, Neptune Grey, A++, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Linea, Galileo cavity: Micro combi, 45cm compact, Combi Microwave, Black, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Linea, Galileo cavity: Steam100, 45cm compact, Combi Steam, Black, A++, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Linea, Galileo cavity: Speedwave, 45cm compact, Combi Microwave, Neptune Grey, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Linea, Galileo cavity: Steam100 Pro, 45cm compact, Combi Steam, Neptune Grey, A++, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Linea, Galileo cavity: Omnichef, 45cm compact, Multitech, Neptune Grey, Vapor Clean
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Drawer, Linea, Warming/reheat, 14 cm, Neptune Grey
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Oven, Victoria, Galileo cavity: SteamOne, 60cm, Combi Steam, Cream, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Victoria, Galileo cavity: SteamOne, 60cm, Combi Steam, Black, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Victoria, Galileo cavity: SteamOne, 60cm, Combi Steam, Stainless steel, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Victoria, Galileo cavity: Micro combi, 45cm compact, Combi Microwave, Cream, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Victoria, Galileo cavity: Micro combi, 45cm compact, Combi Microwave, Black, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Victoria, Galileo cavity: Micro combi, 45cm compact, Combi Microwave, Stainless steel, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Classic, Galileo cavity: Traditional, 60cm, Thermo-ventilated, Stainless steel, A+, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Classic, Galileo cavity: Traditional pyro, 60cm, Thermo-ventilated, Stainless steel, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Classic, Galileo cavity: SpeedwaveXL, 60cm, Combi Microwave, Stainless steel, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Classic, Galileo cavity: SteamOne, 60cm, Combi Steam, Stainless steel, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Classic, 60cm, Thermo-ventilated, Stainless steel, A+, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Classic, 60cm, Thermo-ventilated, Stainless steel, A+, Pyrolytic
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Oven, Classic, Galileo cavity: Micro combi, 45cm compact, Combi Microwave, Stainless steel, Vapor Clean
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Oven, Cucina, 60cm, Thermo-ventilated, Stainless steel, A+, Pyrolytic
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Drawer, Dolce Stil Novo, Warming/reheat, 14 cm, Black
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Drawer, Linea, Warming/reheat, 14 cm, Neptune Grey
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