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Vitality System

The vitality system combinies Smeg's built-in combi-steam oven, blast chiller and vaccum drawer, which when brought together, provide a professional standard cooking solution at home.

The triple formula for a healthier life

Food is at the heart of a healthy lifestyle, but simply paying attention to the quality of the products we buy is not enough. The methods of preservation and cooking we use are equally important and they can compromise not only the flavour of dishes, but also the nutritional benefits that these bring. With the combination of Galileo oven, blast chiller and vacuum drawer bring the healthiest, safest and most professional results at home.

Get the best out of your food

Smeg's Vitality system preserves the origional organoleptic and nutritive qualities of food as when it's fresh, ensuring healthier nutrition and superior food quality in every bite.

Capture freshness and extend shelf life

Large quantities of food can be prepared and preserved in portions to be eaten in the later days, which tastes just as fresh as if it had just been made.

You can freeze seasonal summer fruits and then use them even in winter. With the vacuum drawer, meanwhile, you can keep delicious fresh food for longer periods, saving it for a special occasion without losing its authentic taste.

Conserve food, conserve time

In today's fast-paced world, where time is precious, shopping and cooking can be an obstacle for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With Smeg's Vitality System, you can embrace the philosophy of well-being that has always been in Italy’s DNA. Even in our busy lives, well-being must be placed at the centre of our daily habits.

Sous vide cooking

Three advantages of perfect vacuum cooking using: Blast chiller, Vacuum drawer and Galileo ovens:
1. Low-temperature cooking
2. Preservation of product characteristics
3. Enhancing flavours

Vacuum preservation

The combined use of blast chiller and vacuum drawer enables bacteria-free and therefore longer-lasting food storage.

Sous vide cooking and preservation

Three advantages of vacuum cooking and preservation:
1. Cooked and preserved products while maintaining their characteristics, ready to use 
2. Restaurant quality results at home
3. Cook only when you have time and consume food as freshly processed
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