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How to install the App

The SmegConnect App is available for iOS and Android devices: 

Search for the app in your app store and download for free onto your smartphone or tablet.
After installation, open the APP and follow the prompted access procedure.
For questions about connecting your appliance via the SmegConnect App please download the user guide.

Download the user guide

Get connected thanks to SmegConnect App

SmegConnect is Smeg’s new smart app, allowing users to connect to wifi enabled appliances and control them via smartphone or tablet, whenever or wherever they are. Why not log in on the way home to preheat your oven - getting the most out of your appliance whilst on the move! 


Get Connected

SmegConnect allows users to interact with Social media and connect to Facebook to share a favourite recipe or wine list with friends and family. Users can also use WhatsApp and email to add to shopping lists. When preparing a meal, simly share the ingredients needed in the recipe section off the app, so fresh ingredients can be picked up on the way home.

Blast Chillers

A few minutes before the end of a baking session, a notification allows you to start the blast chiller cooling process, thus preserving all the organoleptic properties of freshly baked ingredients.

SmegConnect Video Tutorial

Find out how to make the most of your connected appliances via the SmegConnect APP

Ovens | Smart Cooking

Ovens | Smart Cooking

Ovens | Smart Cooking

Ovens | Multitech

Ovens | Multitech

Ovens | Multitech

Ovens | Sametime

Ovens | Sametime

Ovens | Sametime

Ovens | Cookbook

Ovens | Cookbook

Ovens | Cookbook

Requirements for installation

Before registering the product, please check the following:

  1. Your Smeg appliance has connectivity features (must be a SmegConnect product)
  2. Your appliance is correctly connected to a power supply 
  3. The area where the appliance is to be installed in has an operating WLAN (wireless) network with a dedicated router.
  4. The router of your home is switched on with the Wi-Fi function (2.4 GHz band) activated and connected to the internet.
  5. Wi-Fi network name and password are within easy reach
  6. The mobile device smartphone or tablet is fitted with iOS version 10.x or higher or Android version 5.3 or higher

You ask...we answer

Support and advice for many common problems and questions can be found at the online frequently asked questions.

Find out more

Data safety and protection

Smeg implements the best solutions to guarantee data safety for all connected appliances throughout their lifespan, thanks to a careful design and continuous updating.
All Smeg products follow the standards for Wi-Fi systems, such as WPA2 and WPS, used by home routers as well to establish encrypted communication channels.
The communications among all components of SmegConnect system - Products, APP and Cloud - are protected according to the state-of-the art versions of the TLS protocol, the most evolved safety standard for Internet communication.