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Buying guides

The Smeg Buyers Guide for Washing Machines & Washer Dryers

Our washing machine and washer-dryer buyer's guide is here to help you choose the best laundry appliance for your home.

Consider your drying needs:

Before making any purchase, first decide whether or not you need a machine which can dry your clothes, as this ultimately determines what type of laundry appliance you need - whether it's a traditional washing machine, a washer-dryer combo or a dedicated dryer.
Your chosen appliance should be suitable for your day-to-day laundry needs and your lifestyle, ensuring optimal functionality and convenience.

Washing machine

If you have plenty of space, you may opt to choose a washing machine with a separate tumble dryer. This allows you to simultaneously wash one load of clothes, whilst another can be drying, making it an ideal choice for families.

View all washing machines
Washer dryer

Washer-dryers are ideal for those who have limited space as these appliances combine two laundry applications in one machine. Washer dryers will often cite two load capacities; one for washing cycles, and one for drying cycles.

View all washer dryers
Tumble Dryer

Dedicated tumble dryers are an excellent choice for consistently drying larger loads, making them ideal for large households, or accomodating larger load items like duvet’s and towels.

View all tumble dryers

Choose your installation


Free-standing washing machines are ideal if you simply need to slot the appliance in place, and want it to be a visible component of your kitchen design. They also provide slightly easier access, as you do not need to open a kitchen unit door prior to inserting your load.


Integrated washing machines are perfect for maintaining a sleek kitchen appearance, seamlessly blending into the overall design as the appliance is disceetly hidden from view.

What To Consider

Energy Efficiency

Every washing machine and washer-dryer has its own energy rating, ranging from A to G. This scale shows how energy-efficient your machine is; those that have been rated C or higher are the most energy-efficient machines available. By choosing a washing machine or washer-dryer that’s energy efficient, you’ll be saving more on energy bills and doing your bit for the planet. 

Spin Speed

Washing machines vary in spin speeds (how many times the drum spins per minute), depending on the materials that are being washed. Low spin speeds are suitable for delicates, medium spins are suitable for most fabrics and mixed loads, and high spins are suitable for cottons, linens and other sturdy fabrics.

Drum Capacity

This refers to the amount that can fit in the drum of your washing machine or washer-dryer, often called “Drum Capacity” or “Wash Load”. The typical wash loads vary between 7kg to 10kg; the larger the household, the larger the drum capacity that’s required since it can hold more laundry in one go. For washer dryers, you may see two capacities cited. One will be for washing cycles and the other will be for drying cycles. This will often be lower to aid increased airflow of the warm or hot air.


Industry standard warranty periods for laundry appliances is 12 months. Some retailers sell extended warranty policies which protect you for up to 10 years. Smeg’s standard warranty lasts 2 years which provides you with an extra 12 months peace of mind for free - and at the moment Smeg are offering a 5 year warranty on all freestanding models.

Noise Levels

Due to their nature, washing machines are stereotypically loud appliances. However, designers are always looking for ways to make them quieter. We measure this noise in decibels, with quieter machines producing around 50dB and louder machines being upwards of 75dB. 


One of the key questions to ask yourself before purchasing a washing machine or washer-dryer is “Will it fit in the space I have available?”. Front-loading washing machines should fit under a kitchen countertop, with dimensions typically ranging between 60cm for width and 85cm for height. The depth may vary depending on whether you are opting for a freestanding or integrated unit, as integrated appliances need to account for the depth of the kitchen cabinetry door. Also, remember to leave room for pipes behind the machine.

Features to Look For

Energy Efficient Mode

Modern-day washing machines often feature an “Energy Efficient” or “Eco” mode to save energy consumption, often using cold/low-temperature washes, sensor control washes or inverter motors. These modes will save you money in the long run by reducing water and energy, and are better for the environment. 

Automatic Detergent Dosing

Intelligent sensors automatically supply the optimum amount of detergent and softener for each wash cycle. With this feature, you can be confident that your items will be washed carefully and effectively. Look out for the 'Autodose' option on some Smeg washing machines.

Steam Clean

The steam energy option provides the highest level of care for your clothing and guarantees the best results on all types of clothing, both when washing and drying. Steam injection is an innovative laundry care solution that can quickly and effectively neutralise odours and allergens, while also smoothing out stubborn creases- a prominent feature of Smeg washing machines.

Quick Wash

A quick wash works at a high spin rate, washing clothes quicker than the average cycle. It's a useful setting for when you’re in a rush, and most effective with smaller loads. Quick wash cycles usually take around 30 minutes, but some Smeg washing machines offer a superfast 14-minute wash.

Cold Wash

The cold wash feature on a washing machine is a cost-effective feature that typically washes clothing at 30°C. This feature is particularly useful for colour preservation, extending fabric lifespan and prevents shrinkage compared to a warm wash. 

Anti Stain

Using the anti-stain feature on washing machines, you can gain peace of mind and excellent results in stain removal. This feature can remove as many as 24 different types of stains, so that piece of clothing you thought was ruined lives to fight another day. 

Anti Allergy

The anti-allergy feature includes the use of steam at the beginning of a cycle and an additional rinsing step for an unequivocal level of hygiene. This feature is particularly effective for those who suffer badly from allergies, removing allergens such as pet hairs from your clothing and bedding. 

Delay Timer

Some washing machines offer a delay timer, perfect for fitting washes around your busy schedule without needing to be present to start the cycle. The delay timer cycle is pre-determined to give you complete control over when you want to start the wash. 

No Spin

This feature is as close to hand washing as a washing machine gets. The function uses little to no spin to be as gentle as possible with the materials its dealing with, allowing for minimal fabric agitation; perfect for materials such as silk and wool.

Child Lock

The child lock feature is seen across modern washing machines and washer-dryers as an extra barrier of protection. This feature stops children from pulling the drum door open, and also often disables the panel buttons to prevent any unwanted tampering.

Wide Opening Doors/Large Porthole

A larger opening makes it easier to load and unload clothes, especially bulkier items like blankets and bedding. Smeg's freestanding laundry appliances have a 160º opening for improved accessibility and feature a spacious drum perfect for accommodating any oversized laundry loads with ease.


How long should a washing machine last?

While the average lifespan is 7 to 12 years, it's not uncommon for washing machines to continue functioning well beyond this period with proper care and maintenance. More modern washing machines and washer-dryers should have a longer lifespan compared to older models.

What are the main features I should look for?

Washing machines and washer-dryers will have a range of different sizes and features. Larger families should look for larger-capacity washing machines and dryers to maximise laundry loads. Quick wash features are useful for reducing unnecessary energy consumption for smaller loads which just need a freshen-up, or if you need a wash performed in a hurry. Similarly, eco modes help you reduce impact on the environment by reducing the amount of electricity, water and detergents consumed. You can see a more detailed list of features above.

How do I install a washing machine?

Installing a washing machine is easier than you may imagine, but if in doubt we would recommend you seek the assistance of a professional installer. Many retailers will provide this service and will offer to remove your old appliance and all packaging at the same time, and this will then be recycled in accordance with WEEE regulations. Freestanding appliances are easier to install than integrated appliances due to the fact integrated appliances require you to correctly align the appliance so that the front cabinetry door sits flush with the surrounding kitchen units.

What capacity do I need for my washing machine?

The capacity you need for your washing machine or washer-dryer usually depends on the size of your household. 

  • 1-2 person households could use a 6kg wash load, 
  • 3-4 person households normally require around 7kg to 9kg loads, and 
  • houses of 5 people upwards may require anything 10kg or higher.

How can I tell what energy efficiency my machine is?

The EU Energy Labelling system was first introduced in 1995. This originally had ratings of A to G. However, as appliances became more energy efficient, we saw the introduction of A+ and even A++ rated appliances.

As a result, in March 2021 a new energy label grading was introduced. This reverted to an A - G system, but earlier products had their ratings downgraded so:

  • an A+ rating in the old system equates to an F in the new system, 
  • an A++ in the old system equates to an E in the new system and so on. 

You can view an energy label comparison chart along with more information on the changes.

As a result, you need to be careful to ensure you know which energy rating data is being utilised.

How can I reduce the vibration and noise from my washing machine?

The most common causes of vibration noises come about as a result of either overloading your machine with too much weight (remember, things weigh more when wet) or not correctly installing the machine level. By ensuring that your washing machine or washer dryer is level and on a solid base, the noise it produces should be reduced. Avoid overloading the machine, and use anti-vibration pads where possible to reduce the transfer of noise to the floor.

What is the optimal water temperature for laundry?

This depends on the load and what you want to achieve from the wash. Bacteria, stains and dirt are best removed using warm to hot water, 35°C upwards. Cool water offers a good compromise between cold and warm water, ranging between 27°C to 35°C, suitable for most everyday laundry needs. Cold water washes are best for delicate fabrics, with temperatures of 27°C and below, the most energy efficient but not as efficient in removing stains.

How many litres of water does a washing machine use?

Washing machines tend to use around 50 litres of water per wash, but this largely depends on the washing function, efficiency and specific model. Quick washes or eco-washes will often reduce the amount of water used for the cycle.

How long does a quick wash usually take?

Quick washes usually take around 30 minutes, but the fastest machines are capable of superfast 14-minute washes.

What is the difference between front-loading and top-loading machines?

Front-loading washing machines and washer-dryers are much more common and feature a drum door at the front of the machine with the drum located horizontally. Top-loading machines aren’t that common these days. You insert a load by opening a door at the top of the appliance and dropping the load into the machine from above. Front-loading machines tend to be a better choice as they’re more efficient than top-loading.

How do I clean my washing machine?

There are numerous ways to clean your washing machine; running the empty machine on a hot wash once a month, leaving the door open between washes, cleaning the door seals regularly, properly cleaning the detergent drawer and addressing the machine filter are some of the most common ways. 

Can You Stand Appliances on Top of Each Other?

Tumble dryers can stand on top of a washing machine, often referred to as “stacking”, but washing machines and washer dryers cannot be placed on top of tumble dryers due to the concrete at the bottom. To stack Smeg appliances safely, we recommend that you use a stacking kit

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