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A window fit for a royal occasion

Smeg celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

This year marks her Majesty the Queen’s 70th year on the throne, becoming the first British Monarch to ever celebrate a Platinum Jubilee! Friends, family, and neighbours will be able to gather together to commemorate this momentous occasion during the 2-5th June 2022, thanks to the additional of a national bank holiday!

Smeg’s flagship London store is owned by the crown estate, ultimately headed up by the Queen and in honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, our store windows have been given a royal makeover featuring a selection of our Union Jack appliances.

Customers get a royal welcome

The front of the store, in the regent street window, features the star of the show.
Regally sitting upon a luxurious red and gold throne is Smeg’s FAB10 minibar in patriotic iconic union jack design. This cool little appliance is perfect for storing celebratory drinks and snacks for the big day and make a great addition to bedrooms or even man caves!

No royal would be complete without their crown, which sits proudly on its own cushion, whilst the official logo for the Queen’s jubilee and the words ‘Long to reign over us, god save the queen’ complete the display.

A toast to her majesty

On the Carlton street window, passers by are greeted by an impressive lineup of Union Jack Smeg TSF01 toasters in glass boxes, below traditional hanging bunting.


The team will also be doing some cooking events in-store between 2-5th June to mark the occasion, so be sure to pop in to find out more.

Shop the range


Refrigerator, 50's Style , One Door, Free Standing, Hinge position: Right, Decorated / Special, Union Jack, Fan assisted refrigerator, static freezer, D
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Refrigerator, 50's Style , One Door, Free Standing, Hinge position: Left, Decorated / Special, Union Jack, Fan assisted refrigerator, static freezer, D
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Refrigerator, 50's Style , One Door, Free Standing, Hinge position: Right, Decorated / Special, Union Jack, Static, D
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