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La pavoni coffee machines now displayed at smeg's flagship london store

Founded in 1905 and based in Milan, La Pavoni has become the number one producer of espresso coffee machines by competing in a high-end market sector and leveraging the quality of its products and its refined aesthetic. It is a philosophy that the company continues to pursue to this day and that will create synergies that will enrich both companies. In strategic terms, this acquisition will make it possible for the two companies to share their know-how and mutual affinities for their product lines, paying great attention to design and details while affirming the strength of quality Made in Italy.

Recently acquired by the Smeg group, La Pavoni is a brand that will always be recognised as true Italian excellence in the production of coffee machines, producing the very best Italian espresso.

A range of La Pavoni products can now be viewed in our Smeg flagship london store located on Regents Street.

Please contact the store for more information on 0344 5735573 or visit the website