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Ideal for creating delicious ice creams, sorbets, granitas and frozen yoghurt in just a few steps.

Making your own ice cream has become increasingly popular over the past few years and with this in mind, Smeg have the perfect accessory for creating indulgent ice creams, refreshing sorbets, or healthy yoghurts, an ice cream maker!

Creating ice cream at home means that you can get really creative with flavours, producing gourmet ice cream in a convenient way which will taste much better than shop brought. For those counting the calories, fear not, as this way you can control your calorie intake without having to go without. 

Need to ditch the dairy? Allergy sufferers can create ice creams without the worry of cross-contamination, paying hefty supermarket prices or having flavour restrictions. 
This simple and enjoyable way of creating ice cream is fun for all the family and is certain to get the kids involved. By making ice cream at home, you can satisfy the pickiest of eaters whilst avoiding nasty additives found in shop brought ice cream. You can even sneak in some fruit without any complaints!

The SMIC01 ice cream maker accessory cleverly fits into the Stainless Steel bowl of your Smeg stand mixer and is perfect for those who are limited on kitchen unit space as it can be easily stored in the bowl or in a cupboard when not in use. Taking up less freezer space than others on the market, its 1-litre bowl is ideal for whipping up small batches of ice cream ready to eat in less than 30 minutes!

So how do I use it? Well, before getting started make sure the ice cream maker has been placed in the freezer at -18°°C or colder for at least 18hrs, to ensure it is at optimum temperature for the best results. Then prepare your raw ingredients and once ready remove the container from the freezer, position it inside the stainless steel stand mixer bowl and assemble the various parts. Once everything is in place, select a low speed of 1 or 2 on your stand mixer for a creamy mixture and pour the raw ingredients into the container. In about 20-30 minutes you will have delicious results ready to eat!

Whether you’re a keen ice cream maker or a complete novice, you can whip up a gelato, sorbet or yoghurt with ease using the SMIC01



Accessories, Ice Cream Maker Accessory, Stand mixer
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