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2021 saw over two hundred of Italy's most iconic companies engaged in green strategies, participate in an audit from ITQF Institute, recognising the most sustainable organisations across the country.

On World Earth Day, the German Institute of Quality ITQF in collaboration with the Institute for Management and Economic Research IMWF in Hamburg, published the results of the survey “Best 200 Green Stars of Italy - the ranking of the most sustainable companies, 2021 ”.

The report singles out those companies who have made a conscious effort to improve their environmental and social impact.

With a score of 100, we are delighted to annouce Smeg came out top of the "durable consumer goods" category.

The survey represents the most in-depth research on online reputation in terms of sustainability in Italy.

This recognition highlights the attention that Smeg has always dedicated to the issues of social and environmental sustainability and enhances the commitment made to the well-being of the community.

The survey published by ITQF represents an opportunity for the company to shed light on complex activities and initiatives that form a constant aim for sustainable development and regeneration.

Currently, the Smeg group is undergoing multiple projects to improve sustainability targets yet further, from better use of packaging, reduction in plastics, careful selection of materials and components.

In the UK and abroad, other recent sustainability initiatives include rainwater harvesting, solar panel usage, installation of energy saving LED lighting and locallised tree planting, plus large projects on improving logistics functions, transportation and reducing movements wherever possible to minimise delivery miles.

Smeg Italian green stars