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Smeg 24 Hour Mince Pie Marathon

We are excited to announce that Smeg UK are taking part in a charity mince pie challenge this December!

Beginning on  Sunday 19th December at 4pm, the gruelling marathon will finish at 4pm on Monday 20th December. Team Smeg will aim to bake over to 2,500 mince pies – the mincemeat alone will weigh in at over 90kg, the weight of one of our largest 50's Style fridges,

The challenge will be physically demanding for the team to bake, box and distribute the mince pies - no mean feat, especially with many of the team working through the night and day!


To mark the occasion,  Smeg have partnered with radio station, Jack FM who have already begun shoutouts live on the Radio. Presenters Jim Rosenthal and Trev will join the team alongside Smeg ambassador, Scott Quinnell, former star of Stella!, Welsh Rugby captain & Sky Sports presenter!

Jack FM have begun their appeal on the radio and set up a website to invite listeners to nominate worthy recipients to receive a delivery. If you know a charity or worthy cause in Oxfordshire please enter their details here.

Smeg will supplement this activity by delivering mince pies across the local Abingdon community, to care homes, emergency services, charities and community groups, food banks and soup kitchens through the day and night.


For those looking to purchase mince pies in aid of the charity and live locally to Abingdon, Oxfordshire, we'll be located in Abingdon Market Square on Monday 20th December, alongside Fairacres Retail Park. All proceeds raised are in aid of Special Effect, a heart-warming organisation supporting disabled children though adapted technology.

We have set up a JustGiving fundraising page to help with donations for those who want to sponsor or buy some mince pies! We thank you for your support!

Click here to make a donation