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Amaretti Peaches with Chocolate & Honey

Amaretti Peaches with Chocolate & Honey


  • 6 large peaches 
  • 15 amaretti biscuits 
  • 25g blanched almonds 
  • 85g dark chocolate (minimum 60% cocoa solids), roughly broken 
  • 1large egg , beaten 
  • 2 tbsp honey – clear or set 
  • To serve 
  • 500g tub crème fraîche or mascarpone 
  • a little cocoa powder 



  1. Preheat the oven to 180oC on Circulaire.
  2. Halve and stone the peaches, then dig out a little flesh from the centre of each half, using a sharp-edged soup spoon. Put flesh and peaches to one side. 
  3. Tip the amaretti, almonds and chocolate into a food processor and pulse until the mixture is like coarse gravel.
  4. Add the spooned-out peach flesh, egg and honey and whizz for just a second or two to combine – don't over-process. 
  5. Spoon the stuffing into the peach halves, mounding it up a little. Arrange the peaches in a single layer in a heavy baking tin, then bake for 25-30 minutes or until the flesh is tender and the stuffing nicely browned. 
  6. Serve hot, with a dollop of mascarpone or crème fraîche and a dusting of sifted cocoa powder.