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Festive Yule Log

Deliciously simple to prepare, yet beautifully effective for a showstopping Christmas dessert. Courtesy of Mon Dessert, this easy to follow recipe can be made in advance and frozen ahead of the big day.


Hand mixer, Pastel Blue, 50's Style

Festive Yule Log


  • 85g caster sugar
  • 63g pastry flour

  • 5g  baking powder
  • 20g cocoa powder
  • 275g quality dark chocolate

  • 180ml single cream

  • 3 large or 4 medium eggs 



  1. To make the icing and filling, put your chocolate into a large non metallic bowl and add the cream. Pop into the microwave for 30 second bursts, stirring in between, until all of the chocolate has melted. Leave to cool. The consistency should be perfect by the time you have finished the other recipe steps.


    *If you do not have a microwave, you can heat the milk to boiling and then pour over the buttons. Leave to rest for 2 mins, then whisk until all of the chocolate has melted.


  1. Heat your oven to 190oC/fan or 170oC. Line the sides of a baking tray with baking parchment (dimensions of at least 25 x 30cm).

  2. To make the sponge, separate the eggs into two large mixing bowls or the bowls of a stand mixer.

  3. Add the sugar and 2-3 tsps of water to the egg yolks. Using an electric stand or electric hand whisk, whisk until the mixture is light in colour and thick enough to leave a trail when the whisk is lifted. 

  4. Next, sift in the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder, then fold in lightly making sure to not over mix.

  5. Using a clean whisk, beat the egg whites until they are stiff. Then fold in the cake mixture in three batches, using a metal spoon to preserve as much air as possible, whilst still making sure everything is mixed well.

  6. Pour the mixture evenly over the prepared mat, then carefully spread to the edges. Bake for 12 mins, or until the cake feels firm to the touch.

  7. Turn the cake out onto a board and peel off of the mat. 

  8. Flip back around so the mat is now underneath the cake again. Carefully take off the board and cover the cake with a clean tea towel, then leave to cool completely for 10 mins.

  9. Trim a little cake from all of the edges, then score along the edge of one of the long sides of the cake and roll up from there, using the mat to help you. Roll the mat up inside the cake and then leave for 15 mins. You can now get on with your washing up or make a cup of tea!


  1. Carefully unroll the cake and then using your palette knife, spread approximately ⅓-½ of the icing/filling on top of the sponge to within 2cm of the edges. Roll up the cake again using the mat to assist, then set it on a board.

  2. Use the palette knife to spread icing over the top of the cake and make bark like markings with a fork.

  3. Arrange your festive decorations on top, then dust with icing sugar to serve and enjoy!

  4. *This cake can be made in advance and frozen (for 6 months max). Defrost and bring to room temperature before serving.  This is a great idea if you want to prep ahead of Christmas!