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A growth strategy with people at the centre

Cultivating talent for Smeg is the key to dynamic development with an international outlook. The selection process for all resources, in fact, aims to enhance individual skills and seek out values shared with those of the organisation.

Commitment, responsibility, teamwork and openness to international challenges enable all employees to deal with a dynamic and constantly evolving environment.

For Smeg, being attractive to the best talent means actively seeking out the youngest resources through activities such as:

  • University career days at major Italian centres such as Bocconi University, Alma Mater studiorum and the Milan Polytechnic
  • The development of master's thesis projects as the culmination of curricular traineeships in companies
  • The awarding of scholarships

This commitment led to an increase in recruitment between 2021 and 2022 of 38%, totaling more than 370 new hires. Find out how to send a spontaneous application.

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