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Design and engineering excellence
Not just products, but creations


Smeg's claim, technology that furnishes, testifies to the company's focus as much on the application of state-of-the-art technology as it does on sensitivity to design. The product design awards bear witness to a long-term vision that has made Smeg products not just domestic appliances but genuine design objects.
discover the awards


In order to live and produce while protecting future generations, Smeg is committed to respecting the planet and its inhabitants and pursues the sustainable development goals set out by the UN in Agenda 2030. Smeg adheres to strict standards in terms of quality, safety and the environment. What are they?

Environmental management systems

Means setting up a long-term voluntary environmental policy, committing to minimise its own environmental impact by improving its environmental performance.

Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

Means implementing prevention activities to minimise the risks and hazards to which all workers may be exposed in the workplace.

Quality Management System

Means to manage one's resources and production processes to the satisfaction of customers and end consumers, improving the company's reputation.

ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification)

More and more Smeg small appliances feature components made of Tritan™ Renew, a recycled copolyester material used to progressively replace virgin plastic.