In a baking dish add the pasta, finely chopped vegetables and peas. Dissolve the salt in the water, add the cream and place everything in a pan with the pasta and vegetables. Finally, sprinkle with Parmesan and butter into small pieces.
Smart cooking automatic cooking option
Place the pan on the third shelf of the oven and select the Pasta E Lievitati> Pasta / First Dishes> Pasta Al Forno program.
Combined steam cooking option
Step 1: Place the dish on the third shelf of the oven and cook in Turbo mode at 210 ° C for 18 minutes
Step 2: Continue cooking in Turbo mode at 200 ° C for 9 minutes
Combined and traditional microwave cooking option
Step 1: Place the dish on the third shelf of the oven and cook in Fan-assisted mode at 210 ° C for 18 minutes
Step 2: Continue cooking in Fan assisted mode at 200 ° C for 9 minutes.