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Cooking time:
35 min
Number of person:
From the world:
Appliances used:


Compose the lasagna in the previously buttered Pyrex pan in this order: first a light veil of bechamel, then the puff pastry, again the bechamel in a more generous dose and the meat sauce. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Repeat the operation until all the ingredients are used up. You should get 5 layers of pasta. On the surface, put in addition to a generous portion of Parmesan cheese also small pieces of butter to improve the gratin.

Smart cooking automatic cooking option

Place the pan on the third shelf of the oven and select the Pasta E Lievitati> Pasta / First Dishes> Lasagne / Cannelloni program

Combined steam cooking option

Place the pan on the third shelf of the oven and cook in Fan + Steam mode (25% steam) at 180 ° C for 20 minutes

Combined microwave cooking option

Place the pan on the third shelf of the oven and cook in Fan + micro mode (100W microwave power) at 170 ° C for 20 minutes

Traditional cooking option

Place the pan on the third shelf of the oven and bake in Fan-assisted mode at 170 ° C for 25 minutes