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Cooking time:
60 min
Number of person:
From the world:
Appliances used:


Smart Cooking automatic cooking option

Wash and clean the vegetables, chop them finely. Chop the bacon. In a bowl, combine the vegetables, bacon and mince. Add the oil, tomato pulp and milk, salt to taste and mix everything well. Set the Smart Cooking - Meat - Mixed - Ragu di Carne path, and place it in the oven on shelf 3 of the oven.

Traditional cooking option - combined steam - combined microwave

Wash and clean the vegetables, chop them finely. Chop the bacon. In a bowl, combine the vegetables, bacon and mince. Add the oil, and salt to taste and mix well. Spread on a Pyrex dish and clean the edges well.

Step 1: set the Turbo function and place it in the oven on shelf 3 of the oven. Cook at 250 ° C for 15 minutes. When browning is finished, mix the preparation very well with a fork, shelling the meat and vegetables. Add the tomato pulp and milk previously brought to a boil, mix well and clean the edges well.

Step 2: set the Circular ventilated function and continue cooking at 200 ° C for 30 minutes, stirring regularly during cooking.