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Spring Spelt


Cooking time:
60 min
Number of person:
From the world:
Appliances used:


Cut the vegetables as you like and add all the ingredients to the Pyrex dish. Mix well.

Smart cooking automatic cooking option

Place the pan on the third shelf of the oven and select the Pasta E Lievitati > Pasta / First Dishes > Spelled program

Combined steam cooking option

Place the pan on the third shelf of the oven and cook in Fan + Steam mode (25% steam) at 190 ° C for 35 minutes

Combined microwave cooking option

Place the pan on the third shelf of the oven and cook in Fan + micro mode (200W microwave power) at 200 ° C for 26 minutes

Traditional cooking option

In a colander, wash the spelt well under running water. Put it in a pyrex dish. Add the boiling water and, if desired, the salt. Cover with a sheet of baking paper, previously soaked in hot water and wrung out well. Make sure that the edges of the paper adhere well to the edge of the cooking container. Place the dish on the second shelf of the oven and cook in Turbo mode at 200 ° C for 54 minutes.