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Matcha Tea Sponge Cake with Fresh Lime Cheese Cream and Strawberry Jam


Cooking time:
7 min
Number of person:
Cooking method:
Type of product:
Perfect for:

Sponge cake

Step 1

Mix the eggs with the yolks, sugar (125 gr), powder matcha tea and salt at speed 4 in the stand mixer. Whisk until the mixture is foamy and fluffy. Then, pour the mixture into a large bowl.
Using a rubber spatula, add the beaten egg whites to the previous mixture, add flour until the texture is smooth and swollen.

Step 2

Spread the matcha mixture on a sheet of baking paper or silicon mat (silpat), 1-cm high, using spatula. Bake at 220° in fan assisted mode for about 6-7 minutes. Once baked, sprinkle some caster sugar over the surface and place another sheet of baking paper on top and turn over, the sugar will allow the dough to remain moist until used.

Cream cheese

Pour fresh cheese, sugar (60 gr), fresh cream and the grated lime peel into a bowl and whisk vigorously. When you get a smooth and fluffy mixture pour everything into a pastry bag.

Final dish

Cover the first layer of sponge cake with the cream cheese, add the strawberry jam above and repeat 3 times. Place a final layer of sponge cake on top. Decorate as desired with slices of strawberries and whipped cream.
Let it cool in the fridge for 1 hour and then cut into even slices.

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