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Filo dough strudel with ricotta, chocolate chips and red berries


Cooking time:
12 min.
Number of person:
Type of product:
Chef advice:
For an accompanying sauce: cook the red berries in the microwave with 30g of sugar at 600w power for 8 minutes to make a small compote to serve with your dessert.

Step 1

Mix sugar, chocolate chips and cottage cheese.
Filo dough strudel

Step 2

Melt butter in the microwave (power 300w) for 2 minutes. 
Brush the first sheet of filo dough with butter, lay the other sheet on top, and brush and repeat the last time with the third sheet.

Step 3

Using a pastry bag, pipe small cylinders of mixed ricotta on the base of the sheet. 

Step 4

Roll up the mixture, brush the surface with more melted butter and sprinkle with brown sugar. Place the rolled mixture on the steel baking dish covered with baking paper. Bake in a traditional fan-assisted mode at 195 degrees for 15 minutes.

Step 5

Meanwhile, whip the cream with powdered sugar. 
Then, remove the strudel from the oven and cut into 4 or 8 pieces, lay on serving plates and garnish with cream and fresh red fruits.