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Chocolate Yule log


Cooking time:
10 min.
Cooking method:
Type of product:
Perfect for:

Step 1

In a bowl, beat the egg yolks with 80 grams of sugar.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with the remaining 80 g of sugar. Gently combine the two mixtures, being careful not to deflate the egg whites. Gradually fold in the sifted flour, moving from bottom to top.

Pour the mixture onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper, and spread it evenly using a spatula.

Bake in a preheated static oven at 180°C for about 9-10 minutes.

Step 2

After baking the sponge cake, place it on a kitchen towel along with the parchment paper. Sprinkle granulated sugar over the cake and gently roll it into the towel, carefully peeling off the parchment paper. Let the cake cool for at least 20 minutes at room temperature, or speed up the process by using a quick chill for 5 minutes.

Unroll the sponge cake and spread a layer of mixed berry jam, followed by a layer of chocolate ganache. Roll it again from the short side. Cut two pieces diagonally from both ends to recreate the look of a log.

Place the two cut pieces on the sides of the roll, securing them with toothpicks if needed. Decorate the surface with the remaining ganache. Use a spatula to create lines on the surface, mimicking bark.

Use a soft chill function if available to cool the Yule log before serving.