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Cooking time:
100 min
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Wash the aubergines and remove the green part. Cut into slices about 1 cm thick and salt very well. Spread the salted aubergines on a wire rack and let the aubergines drain for at least 1 hour. Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and garlic. Fry in EVO oil and then add the tomato pulp. Add the salt and sugar and cook for about 20 minutes. Cut the mozzarella into cubes. Dry the aubergines well, brush with extra virgin olive oil and pass them in the flour, then fry them. Cover the bottom of a baking dish with a little tomato sauce. Create a layer of eggplant, season with the tomato sauce and then with mozzarella and cubes, grated Parmesan cheese and basil leaves. Repeat the operation until you have three layers of aubergines, distributing the ingredients evenly.

Smartcooking automatic cooking option

Place the dish on the second shelf of the oven. Select the Vegetables And Side Dishes> Preparations with vegetables> Eggplant Parmigiana program.

Combined steam cooking option

Place the dish on the second shelf of the oven. Cook in Static Ventilated Steam mode (40% steam) at 200 ° C for 29 minutes.

Traditional cooking option

Place the dish on the second shelf of the oven. Cook in Fan assisted static mode at 200 ° C for 29 minutes.