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Cooking time:
25 min
Number of person:
From the world:
Appliances used:


Mix the eggs, cream, salt, pepper and parmesan cheese well in a large bowl. Set it aside. Grease the pan and lay the puff pastry, use a fork to poke the base. First, lay the onions and the bacon and then pour the mixture of the beginning.

Smart cooking automatic cooking option

Place the pan on the third shelf of the oven and select the Pasta e Lievitati > Quiches > Quiche Lorraine program.

Combined steam cooking option

Place the pan on the third shelf of the oven and cook in Fan + Steam mode (steam 25%) at 220°C for 12 minutes.

Combined microwave cooking option

Place the pan on the third shelf of the oven and cook in Fan + Micro mode (100W microwave power) at 180°C for 18 minutes.

Traditional cooking option

Place the pan on the third shelf of the oven and cook in Fan assisted mode at 220°C for 15 minutes.