Put the flour, yeast and ¾ of the total water in the bowl of the standmixer and start kneading.
Work the dough at speed 1, so that it does not overheat too much.
When the ball has formed, add the salt and the remaining water to the dough. Work again until the string is complete.
When it is strung, work the dough lightly with your hands, until you get a smooth dough.
Leave the dough to rest for 1 hour in a bowl, well covered.
When 1 hour has passed, divide the dough into ¾ equal parts (according to the size of the pizza you prefer) and with each piece, form a ball.
Bring the dough towards the center of the ball and then give a light sprinkling to give tension to the balls that will have to rise in the fridge.
Put the loaves in a pizza dough box and refrigerate at 4 ° C for 18 hours.
After 18 hours, the balls will more than double.