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Octopus Salads


Cooking time:
120 min
Number of person:
From the world:
Appliances used:


Prepare a lemon, dill and chives vinaigrette, which will be used to dress the octopus salad.

Boil the cleaned, washed octopus in a casserole dish. Put it in cold water and bring the water to a boil. Simmer for 1 1/2 hours or until soft.

Chop the chives and dill with a knife, put in a bowl and add extra virgin olive oil and the juice of one lemon. Mix vigorously with a whisk until the result is clear and slightly fluffy.

Cover with cling film and place to macerate in the fridge.

Start preparing all the raw vegetables to make the salad with: cut the carrots, peppers and white celery into cubes as evenly as possible.

Put everything in a bowl and add the olives.

Cut the kumquats, previously washed well, in half and put in a bowl.

Boil the peeled new potatoes when they are ready, let them cool and only when they are cold add to the rest of the vegetables (to prevent them from breaking inside the salad).

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